Saturday, September 20, 2008

OK, so MAYBE I am a runner

When does running go from something that you "do" to something that you "ARE"?  A year ago if anyone had asked me, I would have said that running was something that I did, but that I would definitely not consider myself "a runner".  I think I graduated to the status of "A RUNNER" today.
I have done a few races this summer with a couple friends, but my running partner (who is A RUNNER) got injured in June with a stress fracture, so I have been on my own.  It is a lot more difficult that I imagined.  Especially when I know a race is coming up, and Hayden has to leave early for studying... which has me running at 4:50am.  INSANE!  Still... I was not "A RUNNER" 
When I signed up for the Schutzenfest 5k I was warned that it was a tough, uphill trail/road run and would give me a run for my money.  YEAH.. Whatever (or so I thought).  This 5k RUN could have been more aptly titled the 5k HIKE.  The trail was uphill. I don't mean gradual, I mean UPHILL, like "up the side of a mountain" hiking trail.  The only saving grace of the race was the downhill section the last portion of the race.  I got a better time on this race than I did on my first race of the summer, but I paid for it too.  It is the closest I have come in a race to throwing up during the race, or passing out afterwards.  It was BEAUTIFUL terrain.  A rain shower came through while we were running, and the leaves on the trail were amazing.

How did I do?  Well, lets just say that after my results today... I think, just maybe, I am officially a runner.  1st place in my age division... not too shabby for an old lady :D  And I have a beautiful beer mug to show off as my prize.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Random Stuff

Been a crazy week here, so a quick update:  Got my hair cut and I love it.  Brenden ran at Kiwanis Park last weekend, and between his time that day, and the previous run, he was selected as ATHLETE OF THE WEEK at Bear River High School.  My son is an animal!  I'm so proud of him.   Found a shirt at his cross country meet I just HAD to take a picture of.

I have a run tomorrow in Midway and it's quite UPHILL for a good portion, so I'm a bit nervous about it.  I love running! 

Aspen had her 15 month appointment this week.  She weighed in in the 58%-tile, height was 98%-tile, and head circumference in the 96%-tile.  We have a tall skinny chick. She had to get a shot, which Hayden didn't want to come watch because he is hoping that the pain associated with shots gets associated with me taking her to the doctor.  She is a MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO girl.  Everything from drinking out of a pop bottle, to making dinner is done when she sees me doing it.  Her version of dinner is to take a pot and a measuring cup and bang it. Her new love is her HATS.  She will put them on her head and then go in front of the mirror and POSE and coo at herself.  

We are excited to find her a halloween costume.  Hayden thinks she needs to go as a gargoyle...  over my dead body.  I have found a couple ideas, many of which I have had patterns for for the past 17 years (scary... I know).  I posted a couple of the cutest ones.

Parent teacher conferences for me are tomorrow and next Wednesday (since I will be absent for the official conferences on Thursday).  I am hijacking Hayden and taking him to Vegas for his birthday.  His mom has offered to watch Aspen... so we should get some good sleep and have some GREAT people watching opportunities.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A GREAT Weekend

What a great weekend.  Saturday started with an early bike ride, then breakfast at Einstein's, work at my school for awhile (Aspen LOVES running through the halls and bathrooms).  Hayden studied for awhile while I was working.  We met my parents for lunch at Pizza Factory (one of my favorites), and then home for a nap.  A trip for ice cream and a drive in the bronco (with the top off, of course) finished up the evening.  Sunday was another great day.  An early morning 4 miler, a shower and then headed to Salt Lake to visit Slick & Dave.  Aspen wasn't too sure about their 2 dogs... but she settled into her comfort level before too long.  Breakfast was bagels and fruit:  delicious!  We got to see Anna before she had to leave for work, and Aspen got to meet Anna's turtle. 
After breakfast, we went to the zoo with Slick & Dave.  Aspen loves the zoo, but this time she was able to WALK & RUN from one place to the other.  When she would come upon a new animal or something that she was curious about, she would crouch down and study it until it passed her test, and then move on to the next animal.
We slowly made our way from one place to another, until we took her on the carousel.  She has a new LOVE.  

After her carousel ride, we went to get a drink for her, and she would walk off toward the carousel clapping her hands and squealing with delight.  She is so fun to watch, and has a stubborn streak that can only come from her dad ( :D)  This we saw today when we tried to take her away from the carousel or away from the granite rolling water rock.  
She fell asleep while on the train.  What a fun day.  Thanks Slick & Dave for a great afternoon!  A walk around the neighborhood with Fred and Aspen finished off the night.  Tomorrow is the beginning of another week.  Life is good.
Aspen INSISTED on pushing the stroller with Slick, even though it was up a big hill!  Stubborn.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Change in the air...

I am not sure if it is fall that does it to me, or school starting, or what, but I'm feeling antsy for a new hairdo.  I have been browsing the internet to find some ideas, and  I found a picture of me from 10+ years ago, and kinda liked it.
And then I was watching tv, and the new Rihanna video came on... and as you can see from the pictures, it really isn't that much different from the hairdo of the past, except for a little longer on top.  I'm nervous about cutting it all off again, but that's the beauty of hair... it grows back.  RIGHT?

I get it cut Tuesday... wish me luck.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Time in a BOTTLE

Got a letter from my grandmother this past week.  She is in her 80's, and said in her letter how 10 years seems so far in the future, but a lifetime goes so quickly.  I started to cry.  Watching Aspen, Morgan, Brenden and Wade makes me see how this is SO true.  If I could bottle up time, I'd be rich... with memories.

On this Blog: