Poor Fred... despite having come back from having paralyzed back legs, he still has to endure ASPEN. Aspen thinks Fred is a horse or a carnival ride, and insists on sitting on him. When I make her get off of poor Fred's back, we have a little tantrum.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Playing Around
Playing at the park with DAD
Aspen's coat from Grandpa Frank
At the library... she LOVES this
She spends more time at the library looking at the paper mache' animals, playing with the toys, and climbing up the drinking fountain stool to get a drink than she does looking at books... but at home, she is never as happy as when she is on the trampoline or reading a book.
At the library... she LOVES this

Tiny Dancer
Marching Band for Brenden
When I get a call that says one of the kids is in town... I'M THERE, so when Brenden called and said he was coming into Provo for a marching band competition I drove home after school, grabbed Aspen, and drove back to Provo to watch him play. We got there just in time to see him in the parking lot before they went in to play, so we ran and grabbed a ticket and found a row for Aspen to play in... which she LOVED.
Once the band started playing, she was MESMERIZED! She just kept watching til the last note was played, and when everyone else clapped and whistled for their performance, Aspen clapped too. While we were waiting for Brenden to come out, Aspen was transfixed by the big cougar statue that was on the corner of the stadium, so we went over to explore... and she got to climb to get there too... so she loved it.
Brenden came out wearing his drum... Aspen thought it was pretty cool.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Brenden ROCKS!
Wednesday Aspen and I went to Sugarhouse Park in Salt Lake to watch Brenden run in his first ever state tournament for cross country. He is only a sophomore, but still has come in 3rd from his team, behind 2 seniors, all year long. He has continuously improved his time for his races all year. At region in Ogden last Wednesday (October 15) he got a personal best time of 17:03 and placed 10th overall, receiving a medal for his efforts.
State was Wednesday, and I am not sure who was more nervous for the race: Brenden or me. He started off GREAT, and was in the second pack of runners a mile into it. He finished with a personal best time of 16:58 and beat the kid from his high school that had placed before him all year. WOW. I am so excited for Brenden. He is a great runner, and has loved this sport. He is going to be a threat for placing in the next two years.
Aspen, Grandpa Frank and I got to watch him race. It was a great afternoon. The weather was cool and breezy.
NICE JOB BRENDEN!!! Love you buddy
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Aspen's THINGS
Aspen is going to be 16 months this week, and she has PERSONALITY:
Some of her THINGS she loves:
*The green ring on the STACK TOYS (she will put them all on, and keep the green one)
*CLIMBING. She figured out this weekend how to get up to the table
*Being outside... in summer, and in snow
*Reading books!
*Playing with tv remotes and cell phones
*WALKING anywhere... no cart for her at walmart
*Hats... especially her snow hats
*emptying boxes and climbing inside (or laundry baskets)
*helping to put laundry in the machine
*the zoo (loves MONKEYS!!)
*sit on the heater in the morning with her dad
*her soft fuzzy dog/blanket she cuddles and sleeps with
*water... no matter how COLD
*SHOES! Anyone's
*Dancing. If the radio goes on in the car or the house, she starts bouncing and keeping with the beat
*the trampoline... but mostly if DAD will jump with her
*playing PATTY-CAKE and giving high-fives (taught to her by Misty, her sitter)
Things she HATES:
*getting in the carseat
*having her face cleaned
*being told NO
She is so much fun. Lately, when she wants something, or should I say DEMANDS something, she says MAMA MAMA MAMA. Drives her mama crazy, and we can't wait til she can vocalize her demands a little bit more.
First snowfall... for the season & for ASPEN
What is this STUFF? Aspen came outside, and went right over to the snow... trying to figure out what was going on.
She doesn't like to touch it, but just loves to walk around and make tracks. When she would come to a part where she had already walked, she would turn and make new tracks.
I love how much she loves to be outside... regardless of rain, snow or shine.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
She's definitely an OUTSIDE gal
October is here and I think we are in trouble. Aspen is SUCH an outside person and now that it is getting cold occasionally, we're going to have our share of tantrums and power struggles. During the summer Aspen has been the happiest when she is OUTSIDE. If Hayden or I left the back door open, she'd be OUT and on the porch in less than 5 seconds. If we shut the door before she was able to get out, she'd show us her disapproval it in the form of a tantrum.
It's not like there is alot out there to entice her, but she is easily entertained. From playing in Fred's water bowl to climbing on the chairs of the patio set, she could stay outside all day if we let her. I love her so much and want her to stay little forever. We're going to have to get her snow pants or something so she can go out and sit in the snow in a month or so.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
VEGAS getaway
Sometimes I just need a BREAK. Not from Hayden, Aspen or work ... but just from making dinner, cleaning, and the regular routine of life. Hayden and I are very much the same when it comes to this kind of thing, so when I was brainstorming for ideas for his birthday this year, VEGAS seemed like a NO BRAINER.... more update of Vegas to come...
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