Thursday, January 29, 2009
Valentine cards

Monday, January 26, 2009
25 Random Things

25 Random Things
1. I love starting projects (finishing… not so much).
2. Sheets LINE dried in the summer/spring are a must.
3. Chocolate=blechhh… kaka.. Vanilla or Caramel: Good
4. Lavender is my weakness… either the plants or the smell of it.
5. I am a candle ADDICT!
6. Match.com is where I met my husband
7. My license plate is personalized: GOTGAME
8. 1st concert attended: Loverboy w/ Susan Condie (1983-ish)
9. Most recent concert attended: LIVE @ Hard Rock in Las Vegas.
10. I can’t stand dirt/leaves/pebbles on my driveway or sidewalks.
11. My first initial major/career choice: Law. Teaching school is close… minus the years of school and pay.
12. Favorite vacation spot: Cozumel, Mexico.
13. Snow is fun for a day… maybe 2.
14. Running in warm weather gives me a headache.
15. I stole the teachers’ edition of the math book when I was in 5th grade… Mr. Hamblin’s class I do believe. Got caught too, in front of everyone.
16. Weekend favorite: Einstein’s w/ Hayden and Aspen.
17. I know how to do dry wall and cut hair thanks to my Grandma Toni.
18. I HATE stopping for gas. Ran out of gas twice in one day.
19. People tell me I look like my mom, and that my oldest daughter looks like me.
20. My Grandpa Roy is my hero.
21. I have more cousins than I could count… not kidding!
22. In high school I entered 2 pageants and WON one of them.
23. Playing college basketball and volleyball is one of the things I miss most about college.
24. Procrastination is my friend.
25. Someday Destination: Kingwood, TX… year 2014.
tagged: Kara, Laurie, Debra
Salsa Chica!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
We tend to take nice relaxing weekends and fill them up to overflowing. This weekend was no exception.
We threw in a floor refinish into the mix for Friday and Saturday. What this means for us is long days, late nights, a sitter and several fast food stops. The end product was a little extra $$ and an AWESOME looking floor. The pictures don't do it justice, and I should have put a BEFORE picture in to show the difference. What a great hardworking husband I have. After putting in a 40+ work week doing sanding, he adds a Friday and Saturday to his tasks, and complains about blisters and boo-boo's a lot less than I do. Of course, now that it is Monday, and he worked right
through the weekend, its a little more painful than any blister... having to go back and do another 40+ week without a break. I love you Hayd!
He is such a hard worker. He got a $100 gift card as his reward at work for his dedication at work. SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE... here we come. (Sportsman's warehouse... only because that is where the card was for). Ok, let me preface this by saying we are not hunters AT ALL. We don't fish (except when we get lucky enough to have Grandpa Lynn take the kids out at Lake Powell). Camping is still something I am trying to convince my husband is an acceptable, humane thing to participate in. So going into this place was actually really humorous. Every isle we walked down felt like we were out of our element (however, the duck call thing could have been fun to use at school). Aspen didn't mind, she found a mini-shopping cart and a coon hat (complete with a tail), and was, literally, off and running.

So two pairs of shoes, a hat, a couple drinks, and a kids' body glove swim top and we had spent our wad.
We spent yesterday (the only day we had without manual labor) dropping off the equipment we used for the floor, dropping a car off at the airport for a friend, and cleaning up after our work. There's only 4 days, 14 hours, 40 minutes and 57 seconds to get to the weekend... but who's counting?
Paying the price
Thursday, January 22, 2009
In the GAME

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Photoshop is my friend

Friday, January 16, 2009
A day in the Life of...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The ODDS are not as they seem
Monday, January 12, 2009
Turning into OLD PEOPLE
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
STOKED... sneak peak

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A very cool day!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Running from 2008 into 2009
It was 54 degrees yesterday... 54?!?! IT'S JANUARY!! It was great for running. December has been a hard month to keep up with running, sometimes only making it out once a week for a long run (to make up for not running, of course). I figured out this week one reason why it has been difficult to stay motivated... BOREDOM. Hayden dropped me off on a back road on our way home from Salt Lake this week, and I ran home. THAT was fun. New scenery, new route, new distance. So yesterday I started running in some random direction and just explored new areas as I ran. FUN!
Well, my new shoes
and cool watch that controls my ipod that I got for Christmas from Hayden definitely help with motivation.
Some of our accomplishments or notable moments for 2008:
- Aspen turned 1
- Morgan graduated from Lehi High School
- Wade began violin/orchestra
- Brenden competed in state CX tourney... personal best time!
- Hayden passed his 2 tests for his license, and picked a company name
- I was voted recipient of the Golden Apple Award by my students
- Sealed as an eternal family on 8/8/08 in Manti temple
- I ran three 5k races
- Hayden finished our stairs in hardwood!
- I officiated my last game (for awhile anyway) of basketball by reffing 3A state tournament
- Brenden got his drivers' permit (heaven help us)
- Wade was ordained a deacon
- Vegas for Hayden's #36 birthday
- Morgan went to college
- Tonia: run a 1/2 marathon
- Hayden: start up his hardwood company
- Aspen: learn to TALK! (and dribble a basketball :D )
- Brenden: beat his personal best time ~ take Region!
- Morgan: get back into school
- Wade: rocket launch w/ Grandpa Frank