Wade's love language is "time spent together", but getting him out of the house to do something is nearly impossible. While Aspen was out of town on Wednesday visiting her grandma, I dragged Wade out for a hike.
Well... Let me restate that.
I drove to the hiking location, and he drug my old body up the mountain.
Whomever said that if you can run X amount of miles, you surely can hike.... was sorely mistaken.
My friend John suggested a few hikes for us and then asked if I was tough enough to take on Mount Olympus. Yeah, I wish he wouldn't have said that because my ego had to prove that I COULD do it.
Dumb ego.
You are so grounded for next hike.
I was dying by mile 1, and was really hurting by mile 2.5. The last big .25 mile climb to the top, we passed on because we were dead tired, and it looked very intimidating (and we were basically out of water) and because I am old and wussy.
The trip down should have been much easier than going up, but considering I wore my barefoot shoes, it was NOT GOOD. Going up, my foot hit the ground on my pads of my feet, using mostly toes to climb. Going down, my toes were pushed into the front sections of my toe shoes because of the incline, and rocks would hit my heels and arch of my foot. I counted 8 blisters when I got home. My heels still feel bruised 10 days later. I haven't put on my toe shoes since I have been home, but plan on running in them tomorrow.
As a solution to our little water problem, we found a spring coming out of the side of the mountain on our way back down. I could hear grandpa Frank cautioning us as the the many ill effects we would suffer from drinking it, but figured water coming directly from the mountain had to be just about as filtered as you could get. So far, there have been no side effects. So there Grandpa!!

Last week, in order to make myself feel less wussy, I planned an easier hike for the both of us. Aspen went to visit Emily (sitter), and Wade and I hiked to Y mountain. Yeah, yeah... I know... Y mountain is a BYU thing. The view was worth all the crap I had to take for it from my fellow Utah/USU fans. The morning was cool, the path was wide but steep, and it wasn't very long. I think Wade has caught my vision (finally) with this whole hiking thing. I have only been bugging him to go hiking with me now for 4 years. We are hoping to get in the big Mount Timpanogas climb before summer ends. It will be an all day event, with a round trip total of 15 miles.
I won't be wearing my barefoot shoes.