Got a letter from my grandmother this past week. She is in her 80's, and said in her letter how 10 years seems so far in the future, but a lifetime goes so quickly. I started to cry. Watching Aspen, Morgan, Brenden and Wade makes me see how this is SO true. If I could bottle up time, I'd be rich... with memories.
Tonia, it was so fun to get a comment from you, that's cool you know some friends of Jason, we're still trying to get that boy married off, with little luck I'm afraid : ) Your blog is so fun, and congratulations on the sealing, your little girl is beautiful and I can't believe Morgan is so big! and grown up, time really does fly, talk to you later and keep in touch!
Sweet slideshow. Time sure flies by so fast. I cannot believe how big Aspen is already, as well as the rest of your family. So cute!
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