Monday, November 3, 2008

Provo River Trail

The coolest running trail I have found is on the Provo river trail.  We decided to make the most of one of the last days of warm weather and drive to Heber.  On the way back we dropped Tonia off at Vivian Park in Provo Canyon, and let her run.  Hayden, Wade and Aspen went to a park several miles down the trail to wait.
The trail was so beautiful~ The leaves were falling, the trees hang over the trail, and it went right by Bridal Veil Falls.  Very cool.
Aspen found a water fountain at the park while waiting for mom to come.  She did NOT want to get off.  She was wet, but she had LOADS of fun.

1 comment:

Camille said...

That trail is gorgeous... I would probably have to walk, but I would enjoy it nonetheless! I love your new blog header. How do you make the 4 in 1 pictures like on your Halloween post? I am still new to this whole blogging thing! Any advice on starting to run?

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