Friday, February 27, 2009

in-laws are NOT out-laws

Just have to brag about my in-laws.
Whatever the stereotypical IN LAWS are portrayed as being is SO not them.


  • they love my kids as if they were their own (to them, they ARE their own)
  • my mother in law is great for a little "REALITY" check now and then, and knows how to deliver it gently :D
  • If we need a sitter for the day (for Aspen or Morgan) they drive up with no notice the night before to come help us out.
  • If there is an event... they are there: Wade's and Brenden's basketball (IN TREMONTON!), Brenden's state cross country, Morgan's goalball, my officiating, and many others.
  • They dish me plenty of dirt on Hayden that the kids and I can razz him about
  • They love me... and I love them for it.

LOVE YOU GUYS! You're the best

1 comment:

going gordon said...

So nice to hear. I love mine too, but I know we are in the minority. How did we get so lucky?

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