Einstein Bagels (E.B.) and I... we're buds. We have been for awhile, but only recently have we started seeing each other on "the side". Hayden introduced us back when he and I met, and eventually Hayd and I had a weekend tradition of taking the paper and going to Einstein's for some kick back time. WELL... I figured out something about a month ago. If I do some of my reading, school work, or grading while sitting alone at E.B. it is amazing how much I am able to get done. No students interrupting, no phones to answer, no laundry to do. So you could say I've become somewhat of a regular at E.B. How do I know this? Lets just say that most of the workers in the morning and I are now on a first name basis, and I've had my share of beverages "0n the house". Just hoping Hayden doesn't find out about the extent of my other love and put a stop to it. I still love you too Hayd!
I have not been there forever! When Arctic Circle has their huckleberry shakes then I have been know to haunt the place.
Can't wait to hear about where you go this weekend!
I looove Einstein Bagels. We have Blue Sky Bagels up here, and they know what kind of soup and soda I like. It's kind of embarassing...
Mmmm! I miss Einstein's!
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