Tuesday, April 7, 2009

i love my job

Every year that I teach, I love my job more than I did the year before.

Maybe it is because I get some good classes that make it worthwhile... maybe it is because I feel like I make a difference.  

At the end of every year I have students who I hate to pass on to the next grade, because that means I don't get to partake of their hilarious personalities and comments.  Two of these students showed up to class yesterday with I {heart} FRASER shirts they had made over the weekend and wore to school.  Now THAT is brown-nosing at it's finest!


WYO Smith's said...

I love brown nosers, my husband is one of the best at it. :) sound like your trip was mostly a great time. I am ready for a short get a way. Actually I could use a long one too I am not picky. :)

going gordon said...

What fun students! You must be a great teacher!

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