Tuesday, May 19, 2009

playground EQUATION

A little math equation (since we are rapidly approaching the end of the school year).

Transitive property says:
if a=b and b=c then A=C.

The FRASER version of this equation is:
if We (love) Aspen and Aspen (loves) parks... then WE (love) parks.

The weather was sweet, there were a few little boys on the playground... and Aspen made sure she got her flirt on a few times before we left.


LaurieJ said...

My A=C would equal mom loves sitting on a blanket and watching kids at park- especially if there are no swings :-)
She is such a doll..

Calvin said...

she looks like such a little bad-A ,she needs a deck

Nathan and Shanna said...

Wow, I didn't realize how long it has been since I posted something until I read all of your posts. That poem was so sweet what a wonderful Mother's Day gift! Thanks for keeping us "posted".

Jen (Maddie Lou Beanies) said...

Great pictures, what a cutie!

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