The weekend started of well enough, even with the wind. Friday was a barbecue with some of Hayden's friends. Saturday morning it all headed south. My boys are still learning how to inform people (mostly their mother) of schedules, and times, and happenings. We pulled into the parking lot for a 9am cross country meet at 8:58, and at that moment received the information that he wouldn't be running until 11:40. 3 hours later, basically. With 3 other appointments scheduled that morning, a choice had to be made, and we had to leave the meet. This was no easy feat for me, because my mother "missing an child event" guilt was screaming at me. Needless to say, there were 3 or 4 things I needed to be informed of in order to make the day go smoothly... none of which happened. So back to the drawing board with trying to instill this lesson.

After the smoke cleared (and yes, there was ALOT of smoke... my apologies to poor Wade), we had a good weekend. Aspen went to her first 3-D movie, but fell asleep with 20 minutes left.

And passport appointment? The one that we missed because it was at 11am on Saturday? WELL... we will be driving up north this weekend to fit an appointment in after Wade's soccer game.
Well... unless something changes with their schedule. If it does, I'm sure we'll find out about it once we get there. Love you, boys.
Love the glasses on Aspyn!!! Life just happens sometimes, doesn't it!
please send me volleyball pictures!!!
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