I confess: My driveway drives me crazy. It is pitted and chipped, and doesn't allow me to effectively clean it. My leaf blower and power washer have had to settle for cleaning the front sidewalks. I think I'd give just about anything to have it replaced... but my husband thinks I'm being silly.
I confess: as soon as sheets are no longer crisp, or if ANY crumbs get in the bed... I have to change the sheets. If I had the time and patience, I would change them every 3-4 days. Nothing is as great as the smell of fresh sheets.
I need you to come and clean my house. Yes, I do.
I also "vacuumed" the leaves this week because I like how the nice, clean, flat lawn looks...
Funny, last night as I settled into fresh sheets still oozing with the scent of the drier, I thought to myself there isn't a better feeling in the world than clean sheets. I totally agree! And after having a fallen apart driveway and sidewalks (when you have to weed the middle of the sidewalk, you know there's a problem) for over 30 years, it's wonderful to be able to actually sweep it clean. But I confess, I've given up on trying to keep the living room clean until we get this remodel mess over! - Julie L
I need to find a mower to suck up all of these leaves... this yard is huge and I'm busy
I like to have no leaves too, but more because I want our snowmen to be clean and white. My husband would love it if I was OCD. I am WAY too relaxed...
I lost your email address! (Mine is on the right-hand side of my blog) I want to send you the recipe for the biscuits I wrote about, but also, I put a little blurb about aprons in the comment box of my post.
Have a good week!
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