We were supposed to wake up coming into Mazatlan for our second port. HOWEVER, we spent the night and the entire next day in Puerto Vallarta because our ship
hit the pier when coming into port. YES, HIT THE PIER. Not just HIT, but took out a 6 x 6' section of the concrete pier. Apparently our boat "parker" was trying not to hit the other ship already in port, like he had THE week BEFORE! HELLO???? How is this person still driving a boat?? There was considerable damage done to the inside of some of the cabins from hitting the pier, and we had to stay an extra day until we could be cleared to sail. I didn't mind missing Mazatlan, but was going to be really ticked if we missed Cabo. We took a taxi into old town, shopped (sorry Hayden... pain and torture, I know), visited some old churches, and walked down the boardwalk and checked out many of the statues. We ate at the HARD ROCK cafe on our way back to the ship. Apparently you can change the amount of the tip on your bill in Mexico and get away with it. :) What were we going to do?
That's really funny about your parker! I think he needs a bit more training! And don't worry, you didn't miss much in Mazatlan. I didn't like it much when my family took the same cruise.
Well, if you had to visit one place twice, right? But that is a great story to pass down to posterity! Just glad the ship didn't sink.
Hello! Just blogspotting. Great blog! I bookmarked it.
Happy blogging! :)
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