Seriously... I am married to the best man on the PLANET! Ask my girl friends... they have all (at one time or another) asked if Hayden has a brother to share.
It was our fifth anniversary this year (last Sunday) and I kept pretty quiet about it, trying to catch Hayden in the act of forgetting about it. Did you know Facebook has ANNIVERSARY reminders?? So much for my sneaky plan.
Friday's job for Hayden ended up getting canceled and by 10am, he had made plans for the weekend and our anniversary. Here is a blow by blow of our adventurous weekend.
Day 1: Friday
- Hayden divulges "secret location"... tells me to pack
- Mad-dash to get someone to cover Sunday's lesson.
- Frantic packing job.
- Head to Lodge at Red River.
- Check location in GPS unit.
- Double check location on google.
- Triple check location on bing.
- All say same to middle of nowhere... arrive at destination.
- Stop in Richfield for a few supplies.
- Walmart.
- Leave Walmart feeling VERY normal.
- Drive through awesomely beautiful country I didn't know Utah had.
- Arrive at a lodge amid a mass of cottonwoods.
- Check in at lodge.
- Room is amazing complete with 2 beds, log walls and a small balcony.
- Decide to explore the area... on foot.
- Check out game room.
- Embarrass myself trying to play Hayden in ping-pong. (I beat him one time... long ago).
- Push Aspen in massive swing hanging from a cottonwood tree.
- Go walking along Fremont river on a weeded path.
- Walk for 10 minutes.
- Rain begins.
- Run back to lodge in rain (Aspen on Hayden's shoulders)
- Drive around the area exploring.
- Watch rain storm move in.
- Dinner @ lodge.
- Aspen on swing... again.
- Aspen to bed.
- Sit on balcony with Hayd and talk for an hour.
- Bedtime.
Day 2: Saturday
- Wake up with headache... no run for me. Sad.
- Breakfast @ the lodge.
- Push Aspen in tree swing.
- Decide to shower later... throw on a hat.
- Drive into Torrey & buy drinks for the road.
- Drive to Capitol Reef (9 miles away)
- Take 10 mile scenic loop.
- Drive 7 miles on scenic loop... road closed.
- Hike on closed area over washed out roads (very NON drivable conditions)
- Gather rocks for my sand-jars.
- Head to Hanksville.
- Compare parts of the drive to Price.
- Stop at HOLLOW MOUNTAIN in Hanksville.
- Buy Aspen her "diamond" (she wanted the PINK CAT she saw on our way to Lake Powell, but opted for the jewel).
- Drive to Goblin Valley.
- Pay $7 entrance fee.
- Hike down a few hills into "goblins".
- Rain starts.
- Wait out rain behind very large goblin.
- Wait some more... find bigger rock to cower behind.
- Give up and decide the rain isn't going to end... back to the truck we go.
- Sandy silt is now slippery mud... we slide all over with every step.
Crawl uphill through mud to top.
- Wash off as much mud as possible is pools of standing water.
- Remove shoes and get into truck.
- Remove pants and drive back to Torrey in our underwear.
- Redress and eat a bite at Taco Time.
- Check into room #2 at lodge (since we booked at the last minute, we had to switch rooms after the first night to pull it off).
- Aspen on swing... complains about being cold.
- Drive into Torrey.
- Contemplate going to Women's Music Festival.
- Read sign that says $35 entrance per person.
- Skip music festival and go to dinner @ Cafe Diablo.
- Eat awesome creative food.
- Pay too much for dinner.
- Pick up Aspen a jacket at RV store.
- Get contact information from RV park for a return trip with the kids.
- Return to lodge.
- Push Aspen on swing... this time with a jacket on.
- Watch buffalo next to lodge
- Bribe Aspen with hot-tubbing to get her off the swing.
- Hot tub with Aspen and Hayd.
- Back to room.
- Aspen sleeping on floor in our room.
- Off to bed...
- 6:45am run along highway bordering Fremont River.
- Stop 2 miles into run to read historical marker.
- Continue run back to lodge.
- Stretch out on the patio.
- Shower.
- Pack up room.
- Push Aspen on Swing.
- Say goodbye to lodge.
- Breakfast @ brunch shop in Torrey.
- Drive on a country road looking for a mountain with pieces of red rock.
- Put truck in 4wd and drive up scary road leading to red rock.
- Load truck with beautiful red flagstone for my yard.
- Head to Ephraim.
- Pass Manti temple... sealed 2 years previous on same date.
- Aspen sees the "castle" and asks where the "princesses" are... have to take her and see them sometime.
- Dinner with Fraser's.
- Make dad jealous of all my cool flagstone rock.
- Tour of dad's rock projects.
- Drive home while Aspen naps.
- Arrive at home... unload truck.
It seems so much to do, as I was typing it all out... but I haven't had such a relaxing, non stress, chill weekend since I was on a beach last December. This is a DEFINITE do-over. Hayden... once again... you have out done yourself. My friends will be jealous. Love you Haydy Baby.
That really sounded awesome. You do have a good, thoughtful husband. I think we are going to have to check out goblin valley sometime.
We've been all over Utah, and still have not made it to Goblin Valley. The lodge sounds wonderful and yes, your friends are definitely jealous - although I'm being spirited away next month to Whistler, Canada, and whale watching and a little bed and breakfast on the Sound, so what can I say. Awesome husbands are just so, so awesome!
What a great trip. I always say, there is something magical about Southern Utah. Nothing compares. Happy anniversary! Here's to five more! (and more! and more!)
What a wonderful Trip! I can't believe that it's been five years already! Congrats!
Hey, that's awesome 5years!!! I love Capital Reef and Goblin Valley, very beautiful places. Wish you many, many, many, more years together.
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