Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Welcome to the "team" Wade

Brenden and I are glad to have Wade along in the running community.  He got "conned" into joining the cross country team this year (whether by peer pressure, bribery, or whatever... it worked).  He was pretty excited when he started on some new routes around my house this summer, and was able to see his time improve.  One 3 mile route was 28 minutes long on his first run, 27 by the second time, and 24 by the third time.  That's pretty good improvement in such a short period of time.  I think it was motivation for him that this was going to be a good year.  
Until I sent him out on a run just before 8pm with some basic directions.
Apparently TOO basic (or not enough information).
The run was 3.5 miles and after 45 minutes with no Wade, I started to worry.  
Got in my car and headed out to look for him.
  It's pitch black, Wade has no phone, and is horrible with directions.
No luck finding him.
Came home... found him.
I drove around with Wade so he could show me the run, what went wrong and talk to me about it.  Ironically, I had offered to ride along with him on this run before he headed out, but he declined.
Scary moment.  
Lessons learned for next time.
Wade's ran last Friday at Murray Park.  I get crazy nervous when they run.  Wade looked good at the start, and gave a cute little smirk when we yelled at him as he went by.  He loves having us there. 

He had a great race... and beat his last time by 2 minutes, finishing with a 22:31.  PR! PR! PR!
It is so much fun to know I will be able to show up to running events for the next 4 years.  So proud of your decision to become a runner. 
Thanks for making me not look so slow when you had to run with me this summer.
Keep up the good work!
Love you, Mom

1 comment:

Heather C. said...

They are their mother's sons!

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