Friday, October 8, 2010

Stubborn, stubbborn mother

Brenden has had a frustrating cross country season this year, and I have had a frustrating time watching his frustration.  Ever since his crash at state last year (at which time I learned he had had a previous "crash" at a race a week before), he has struggled to improve, finish strong, and have enough energy to finish the race at 100%.  His dad decided after state last year that Brenden had just not eaten well... and had succumb to the stress of the event.  I knew it was more than that.  

Two weeks into the season, he had another less than stellar performance, throwing up afterward, and having several other underclassmen on his team, finish before him.  He was frustrated and decided that he needed to cut of his text messaging plan and strictly enforce his own bedtime.  His eating was also more closely monitored.  Needless to say... not much changed.  I finally started doing my own research on some of his symptoms and running issues teenagers have had.  The best guess I could come to based on this information was an onset of Type 1 diabetes.  At his next race, I brought fluid and honey that most runners who have type 1 diabetes take before a race.  He rolled his eyes, told me I was crazy, and sipped the glucose water and pretended to gag when he ate the honey.   His race was ok that day, but not 100%.  He admitted that he is afraid to give 100% because he is afraid of the possibility of his "crash" happening again.  He said his race was better because he did better eating and sleeping.

Talking to his coach and his dad wasn't helpful.  They were insistent and adamant that eating and sleeping was the problem.  I'm sorry... kids don't have a violent seizure-like run, throw up for an hour afterward, and don't remember the last mile of the race (or 30 minutes after the race) because they didn't eat pasta and got to bed at midnight.
What more could I do?
No one was listening to me, and he wasn't at my house long enough for me to get him in to get looked at.

Fast forward two weeks.  
Two weeks and two races later.  
Two CRAPPY races later.

While talking to Brenden on the phone last weekend:
"Hey mom... can you send me some of that stuff you brought to my race that time?"
Not sure if he was grasping at straws or if it really helped, but I dropped 2 races worth of honey and glucose in the mail.  
Even if his coach and dad weren't listening to me... Brenden knew there was something more going on.
I called him Wednesday afternoon.  
No answer.  
They had had a region meet at Morgan High and I was anxious to hear how he had done. 
I got a four word text message reply.
I called for further details, and amidst the roar of the team noise from the bus I was informed that he won the race that day, and that he felt GREAT.  
I screamed.  I cried.  I jumped for joy.

Now we are faced with a crossroads.  
The fact that it helped means that we will be making a trip to get his blood tested next time he is down here for more than a day.
The fact that it helped means I am not just a crazy paranoid mother.  
The fact that it helped makes me happy for his last most important races of the year: Region & State.
The fact that it helped makes me angry that no one would listen to me and get him in for more tests.

Mother's intuition... and a whole lot of prayer.
Thank heavens for answers (even if only a temporary fix)


Julie L said...

Oh, Tonia, you are a wise wise woman! Congrats to Brendon, too! That is awesome that he hasn't given up and that he's willing to listen to his wise wise Mom. I sincerely hope it is not Type I, but if it is it's critical that he start getting the help he needs without delay. The more I deal with Type II, the more I realize just how important taking care of our blood and our pancreas and our insulin are. Kind of keeps everything else running, literally!

Lisa said...

I am so here for you cutie! I don't know if you know, but I am a Type 1 and I have been one for half of my life now. It is manageable and I still lead a very normal and amazing life! Please know I am here if you have any questions! You are all in my prayers! Love you!

Anonymous said...

holy cow. That is scary. For sure you were right to be worried.

Amy Bigelow said...

I wish there were more mothers like you! Good thing you're smart! :) Glad he did better.

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