Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Denver... day 2

SWEET sweet day... Sweet night... sweet trip

It began with a great run in the cool little gym the hotel had, breakfast, then out to play.  Most things were closed before 11am, so we bought a ticket for the mass transit line and rode for a bit to have a little "tour" of the outskirts of Denver.  The weather cooperated (apparently all the bad weather that day was back in Utah), and we drove down East Colfax for lunch.

I haven't been in Denver for almost 5 years when I drove in for a Bronco's game with Brenden. It is a great sports town, and we couldn't go to Denver without making the rounds to see the sports venues in the area.
AND to see this guy:

About two years ago the Bacon Brothers (yes... that would be Mr. Footloose, himself) were in town and we found out AFTER the fact.  I originally thought it was a joke.  Kevin Bacon... in a BAND???  So we downloaded a few tunes and fell in LOVE with their stuff.  Our entire Denver surprise weekend centered around the fact that they were touring again, and the close as they came to Utah was Denver.  

The concert was great.  We were right up front in a very small venue.  He is still qualifies as HOT in my "old lady" version of good looking.  I definitely felt my age today when I shared some of my awesome pictures with my students and they had NO IDEA who it even was.  Amateurs.

1 comment:

Calvin said...

First Bacon picture, very cool, second Bacon picture... a little disturbing, kind of like he is constipated, angry about it, and taking it out on a tamborine

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