Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wade is 13! HAPPY Birthday!!

Wade... You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...

From the day you were born I've loved hanging out together.  You and I used to lay in bed together reading books and telling stories when you were just old enough to walk.  You are always such a happy smiling kid.  

Love YOU buddy!

You are amazing!  A good cook, a great scientist, you kick my butt in ANY video game, awesome violin player, and I still love watching movies and hanging out on the couch with you (and you get major points for putting up with MAMA MIA for the entire movie!)

Love you - welcome to the dreaded TEENAGE years!  Just be nice to your parents over the next seven years.

I love you as many sands on the beach in Cozumel!
From, Mom & Hayd & Aspen


going gordon said...

I have a soon-to-be 13er too. Give me strength! I will have a17, 15 and 13. What was I thinking?

Wade Oxborrow said...

thanks mom

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